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Beware of the following causes of respiratory disorders

The respiratory system is a very important process in life. By breathing, we can get the oxygen needed to produce energy in the body's cells, and get rid of carbon dioxide waste substances when exhaling. But there are some diseases or conditions that can interfere with this function. The respiratory system in humans consists of the nose, mouth, sinus cavities, pharynx, larynx (vocal cord box), trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Not to mention also blood vessels, diaphragms, intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles, and muscles around the neck and collarbone. All these organs work together to ensure that we can breathe, carry oxygen throughout the body, remove carbon dioxide, remove toxic substances, regulate body temperature, and maintain the body's acid-base balance (pH). But there are times when the function of the respiratory system can be disrupted and makes it difficult to get oxygen. This can occur due to cigarette smoke, air pollution (both indoors and outdoors), materials that can cause allergies, toxic substances, accidents, infections, to genetic factors. These conditions can trigger inflammation or damage to the respiratory organs so that complaints arise when breathing. Here are some breathing problems that make it difficult to breathe and exhale air normally.


Respiratory disorders due to asthma can occur when the respiratory tract is inflamed. This can be triggered by trigger factors such as dust, animal dander, plant pollen, cigarette smoke, gas, sharp odors, cold air, exercise, stress, fatigue, or other things. Various triggers or allergens can make the respiratory tract become narrow, sensitive, and sometimes blocked by sticky mucus. As a result, it becomes difficult for us to breathe. In fact, until now no drug has been found to cure respiratory problems due to asthma. The existing treatment is only intended to be able to control asthma, for example by avoiding triggers and using inhalers containing medicines. Inhaled or oral corticosteroid drugs and long-acting beta-agonists have also been proven effective in helping prevent chronic recurrence of asthma. This medicine works by opening a narrow airway due to swelling and reducing inflammatory reactions to relieve the symptoms of shortness of breath. In this disease to watch out for is the emergence of a severe asthma attack or a condition called asthmaticus status, which is a condition in which shortness or severe asthma attacks do not improve after drug administration. This condition is a state of emergency that must immediately get emergency help to secure the airway. If not treated immediately this condition will cause respiratory failure which can be life threatening.

Allergy or Anaphylactic Reaction.

Although relatively rare, but that does not mean this condition is something that can be considered trivial. Anaphylactic reaction or shock is the body's excessive response to allergens, which are allergens that can come from food, medicine, insect stings or even latex from gloves. Symptoms include allergic reactions such as itching on the skin and mucosa of the eyes or lips accompanied by shortness of breath due to swelling of the airway, coughing, rapid pulse, decreased consciousness, and cold palpable hands. This condition needs to be treated immediately in hospital to prevent potential death due to shock reaction and airway obstruction.


Bronchitis is a respiratory disorder caused by an infection in the bronchi (the main respiratory tract of the lungs) to become irritated and inflamed. If a healthy bronchial wall produces mucus to trap dust and other particles that can cause irritation, the bronchial wall infected with a virus or bacteria will produce more mucus than usual. The result, the body will react with coughing to remove the mucus. A common symptom of this disease is coughing up phlegm. Clear or clear phlegm usually in bronchitis due to a viral infection, while thick phlegm is yellowish, greenish, or there is blood indicating a bacterial infection. Other symptoms are fever, sore throat, muscle aches, headaches, and changes in the shape of the tips of the fingers (clubbing finger) in chronic bronchitis. In severe bronchitis, chest pain and weakness can occur, bronchitis with other comorbidities such as asthma or COPD can cause more severe symptoms, which is bluish or pale skin because oxygen supply in the blood begins to decrease. Respiratory disorders on this one can largely disappear by itself in a few weeks if caused by a virus. In bronchitis caused by bacteria, antibiotics are needed to eradicate the germs that cause the disease according to the doctor's recommendations and dosages. Coughing is the body's natural mechanism to expel mucus from the lungs. Therefore, it is recommended to take cough suppressants only if the cough interferes with sleep at night. If you suffer from asthma or wheezing, and shortness of breath, your doctor will also provide an inhaler to help open airways and facilitate breathing.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

COPD is a group of lung diseases caused by inflammation that damages the structure of the airways that cause respiratory distress. This disease is progressive, meaning that the disease will get worse over time. The main cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is smoking. However, non-smokers can also be affected by this disease, for example due to genetic disorders, or long-term exposure to air pollution, chemical fumes, and dust. COPD causes permanent lung damage. Existing medications or treatments can only help slow the progression of the disease. For example by stopping smoking, using an inhaler, taking drugs, pulmonary rehabilitation, surgery, or lung transplantation if lung function is completely unable to work. Treatment of symptoms of shortness of breath adapted to comorbidities or precipitating factors. In asthma, routine treatment according to the dosage and doctor's advice and avoid triggers, generally can reduce the risk of respiratory problems. In bacterial infections, antibiotics can be given according to the causative bacteria. Respiratory disorders accompanied by certain conditions, such as: skin felt cold, pale or bluish, unable to sound, allergic reactions, coughing up blood, cough that often recurred or healed, chest pain, decreased consciousness, and weight loss without any cause obviously, it is a serious condition that needs treatment. If you experience disorders, especially in the conditions above, seek medical attention immediately to get appropriate and fast treatment and treatment.


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